Monday, 15 August 2011

Moonlight and new blogs

Hello, I am Donna. I am a wife and mother, a musician, and a seeker. This blog is intended as a shared journal of my travels on the path towards a kinder, more natural life, complete with my thoughts and ponderings as they crop up! I have dedicated the blog to Brigid, Celtic Goddess of the hearth and the well, as she represents all the things I strive for in life, and whilst I am not a hard polytheist (the terms confuse me - am I a soft one?), I do have a special place in my heart, and on top of my fridge, for this feminine face of the Holy Spirit.

This evening I spent some time out in my garden, alone in the moonlight. I have a beautiful garden, fairly large considering the 1960s cardboard housing estate I live on, and full of plants and wildlife introduced and encouraged by my parents over the last 30 years. But I don't spend anywhere near enough time in it. I went out after my daughters were tucked up in bed, and strolled around one of the apple trees, then sat in it for a bit, before giving in and finding a patio chair.

The moon is not quite full tonight, but definitely plump, and yellow, with the slightest wisp of cloud in front. I sat and contemplated the darkening sky, imagining what it would be like without the ever-present glow of street-lamps. The evening stars would just about be coming out, making way for the millions and millions that follow. I managed to relax enough to stop worrying about the colony of slugs travelling around my feet. The slugs are like the earth - not good, not bad, but something outside of those concepts. They exist. They do what they are meant to do. So I attempted some sort of meditation, every now again jumping out of my skin when people passed by, or dogs barked.

When I came in, I thought, as I have done so many times before, that my life would be so much better if only I could remember how good that felt - to be outside, breathing the air, feeling the energy, relaxing with the world and with myself. If I could, I might do it more often, instead of sitting around zombie-like in front of repetitive internet games. So, to bridge the gap, and provide some kind of focus and motivation, here it is: the blog of Brigid's Pilgrim.


  1. Hooray! I get first comment spot. It's a smashing garden - I still have a tiny bit of it in a little tin, just in case.

  2. Whoopee! My first comment to reply to! It's good to know that if the world ended and you had the opportunity of colonising Mars, you could clone my garden. :-)

  3. Me? Colonise Mars?? Urk!!! Just going to dash outside and cling to the ground for a while...
